I have spent a good part of the day using a
chainsaw and a large axe although the woodwork teacher said that fine delicate
Marquetry is best done with smaller and slightly more delicate woodwork tools.
He is of course right but on the other hand using a chainsaw and a large axe is
a great deal more fun and exciting.
We were working in pairs and normally I
would be teamed up with Freddie or Esmeralda but today we had a bit of a move
about, why do teachers do stuff like that everyone was happy, but no no we all
have to work with new people to improve our team spirit and stuff. So I was working with Targuin
Charles the third, who is well impressed that I am head boy of a posh
academy. I did explain that I became
head boy due to a typing error in the pupil database and that the school had to
become an academy because the comprehensive schools system does not allow
school mascots (the school goat) to eat pupils. As an academy with private
funding from the Petro-chemical industry and the Goat Preservation Society
(GPS), the occasional loss of a first year or what ever year a first year is
these days is sort of glossed over as the price of creating a generation of
eccentrics. And well it is the way of
the world we all need to learn that goats are not vegetarians and will eat
anything that moves, or does not move for that matter.
Anyway, Targuin Charles the
third’s dad had lent Targuin Charles the third a nice French Walnut Louis XV
Marquetry Bureau from 1793 to do a bit of repair work on, so the pair of us set
too with the chainsaw. Targuin Charles the third had never used a chainsaw
before so he thought it was great fun although he was a little heavy handed
which meant that the nice French Walnut Louis XV Marquetry Bureau from 1793 was
a little gnarled looking by the end of the day but I have to admit Tarquin is a
natural with an axe. His little face smiling through the woodwork room window
in a slightly mad glazed way as the chauffer turned up, his rather posh little
voice shouting "Here's Johnny!" (that’s the chauffer I think) as he
ran out to see him clutching his axe (my axe as it happens I must get it back
tomorrow). The woodwork teacher says he might get some MDF and a bit of white gloss
paint to sort the French Walnut Louis XV Marquetry Bureau for Tarquin as he
looked a bit stressed.
Oooo yes in another wood
related incident as I was walking up the drive this morning a man in a huge
logging truck hooted and waved, I was not expecting that because I don’t think
Mexican Dave drives logging trucks. So it is possible that the Mexican Wave
started yesterday is still working its way along the road . . . . . . .WELL COOL.
AH yes, also My friend
from the world of Blogging Me ESB had a thought and suggested a change of tack
as I forgot what was going on for a couple of days, and suggested I try writing
about what was going off. Ironically when I looked at the news earlier I found
that the Pope was going off to stop at Castel Gandolfo or as we would call it
The Castle of Gandalf, I sorry but a man going off to live in the Castle of
Gandalf wearing long white ropes to read old leather bound medieval books with locks
on makes me wonder if he planning to do what I do from time to time and do a
re-enactment of a certain film trilogy. They are long films too which would
explain the need to retire.