Tuesday 29 September 2015

Poetry for the UNDEAD (and folk called Dave)

If you lie on the ground
Worms will sneak up on you without a sound

And then in your mouth they will play
And if you do not wake up, will stay there all day

Then fungi will slowly grow on your toe
As signs of decay start to show

And as you sleep even deeper and longer
You will start to smell, and the smell will get stronger

All your friends will then avoid your stare . . . (not easy when the cat is playing with your eyeball on a stair)
Except Dave who will stick a moustachio on your face for a dare

(Because this is what your mate Dave tends to do)
But even the moustachio will finally fall off, when you twitch about and sneeze and cough

Then bits of you will fall out of your skin
And folk will discuss throwing your remains in a Wheelie bin

But by now you are not so nice
As your slimy bits are eaten by mice.

The good news though. . . . Well it was Dave that said
You are now one of the( rather popular with children)


HAH AH ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ah ah haah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ah ah ah ah ah ahah a ha haha ha ha ha ha ha 


  1. See, and this is why I hate Dave!

    1. I think Mr H will totally agree. . . . .

    2. I do agree... I agree with venom! Bl**dy dave.

  2. There were tiny slow worms on the floor of a hallway in South Dakota on a concrete floor that gave the appearance of dark cracks in the paint covering. Dark slow moving cracks in the floors. Hall-way-lucinations, maybe? No, thEy wErE rEal worms.


    1. We used to have slow worms in the garden of our previous house a few miles away, but sadly I have never seem them here. Just newts frogs and toads none of which can impersonate a slow moving crack on the floor.

  3. You try your best
    until it's no longer funny.
    The best lesson in life
    is to not lend Dave money.

    1. A grand little Poem Mr H . . . . Dave would be proud of you

      HAH AH HA HAha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
